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so insanity has come to an end and it looks as if i have some control of my life yet again....

so to fill you in i never got the job with Sev's community center, stinky....
but i did land this other job.... i work as a manager at a tattoo studio.... hey it's what i know....
it isn't the best paying job but it works and parts of it make me incredibly happy....
i have been busting my booty trying to get all my ducks in a row and it seems as if they are almost there.....
i have been working so much there has been no time for what i love.... but with the help of a few others it is now time to get it in motion.....
i'll show you new stuff and keep you posted.....


innocence mission

And you live life with your arms reached out
Eye to eye when speaking
Enter rooms with great joy shouts
Happy to be meeting

And bright
Bright, bright as yellow
Warm as yellow

And I do now want to be a rose
I do not wish to be pale pink
But flower scarlet, flower gold
And have no thorns to distance me

And bright
Bright, bright as yellow
Warm as yellow

Even if I’m shining, even if I’m shining here inside
Even if I’m shouting do you see that I’m wanting
That I want to be so

So bright
Bright, bright as yellow
Warm as yellow…