
sleepless in florida

Dear Internet,

three nights in a row and barely i sleep....(yawn) silly me when i lay my head down i shall never rise.... oh the things running thru my head... to many things to do..... my house is a mess, my head is a mess, my insanity has me in a funk.... i must get my affairs in order.. i hate chaos yet i feel completely surrounded by it arrrgh... 

i'm starting a new job soon..working at Sev's afterschool program... i'm trying to get involved more in his school life and what do you know, they are even going to give me money to do so *gasp* (perhaps now i can continue to afford the jewelry making, eating and rent habits i have developed) 

well i need to at least nap once again, i must rise in 3 hrs and 45 mins to get my munchkin off to school, i think i will spoil him with pancakes and then myself by playing my music loudly while trying  to resume some order in my life, maybe i will get the camera out and take some pictures and maybe just maybe i'll even upload them.... well one can perhaps hope....
wish me luck!!!

PS. connie and carla is on the tele, too bad i have to nap....i haven't seen this in a few (if you don't know... i love this movie)